
Mountain Flowers Viewing Guide


In this spring time, get ready for a blooming adventure at Mutianyu Great Wall, where floral wonders await at every turn. Here’s your ultimate guide to explore the beauty of the Great Wall in full bloom:

Starting Point: Service Area

Hop on the shuttle bus from the parking lot to the foot of the Great Wall. Don’t miss the stunning magnolias at the service area square and commercial street.

Transfer Point: Great Wall Hotel

Marvel at the vibrant mountain hawthorns, forsythias, and cherry blossoms right at the hotel entrance.

Recommended tourist routes

Route 1: For the adventurers

Hike up the trail, immersing yourself in the spring flowers. Choose to return via cable car or hike down the 1100 steps for an exhilarating adventure.

Route 2: Family-friendly fun

Take the cable car round trip for a panoramic views of peach, pear, and apricot blossoms that paint the mountains. Perfect for a relaxed outing with kids and elderly companions.

Let the blossoms enchant you as you explore the beauty of this iconic landmark!