1.Mutianyu Great Wall "Scholar Guide" Independent Travel Group (unlimited number)
Counter Price: 68 Yuan
Online Price: 68 Yuan
Services Included:
①Include a "Scholar Guide" Chinese Guided Tour Ticket (2 hours) and wireless headsets
②Tour route: Accompany throughout the tour from No. 14 to No. 19 Watchtowers about 2 hours.
③Tour sessions: Available from 8:00 to 16:00, with a session starting every half an hour, subject to adjustment based on on-site conditions.
④Meeting location:
Tourist Center at the entrance of the scenic spot (Information Desk of "Scholar Guide"): Accompany throughout the journey, after arriving at the Check-in Counter, choose the climbing method (cable car) to reach the No. 14 Watchtower;
The meeting point of "Scholar Guide" guided tour on the No. 14 Watchtower: Arrive at the meeting point of the No. 14 Watchtower by yourself.
2.Mutianyu Great Wall "Scholar Guide" Private Guided Tour (less than 10 people)
Counter Price: 680 Yuan
Online Price: 680 Yuan
Services Included:
①Include a "Scholar Guide" Private Chinese Guided Tour Ticket (less than 10 people) and wireless headsets
②Tour route: Accompany throughout the tour from No. 14 to No. 19 Watchtowers about 2.5hours.
③Tour sessions: 8:00-16:00, time of your choice.
④Meeting location:
Accompany all the way from Tourist Center at the entrance of the scenic spot (Information Desk of "Scholar Guide"), Tourist Service Center to Check-in Counter. After reaching the Check-in Counter, choose the climbing method (cable car/hiking) to reach the meeting point of "Scholar Guide" guided tour on the No. 14 Watchtower.
3.Mutianyu Great Wall "Scholar Guide" Independent Travel Group and souvenirs (unlimitied number)
Counter Price: 88 Yuan
Online Price: 88 Yuan
①Include a "Scholar Guide" Chinese Guided Tour Ticket (2 hours), wireless headsets, a real-life refrigerator sticker or two leaf vein bookmarks
②Tour route: Accompany throughout the tour from No. 14 to No. 19 Watchtowers about 2 hours.
③Tour sessions: Available from 8:00 to 16:00, with a session starting every half an hour, subject to adjustment based on on-site conditions.
④Meeting location:
Tourist Center at the entrance of the scenic spot (Information Desk of "Scholar Guide"): Accompany throughout the journey, after arriving at the Check-in Counter, choose the climbing method (cable car) to reach the No. 14 Watchtower;
The meeting point of "Scholar Guide" guided tour on the No. 14 Watchtower: Arrive at the meeting point of the No. 14 Watchtower by yourself.
⑤Location for collecting cultural and creative products: Mutianyu offical gift shop