
Must-visit place during visits of foreign dignitaries to China


In recent years, Mutianyu Great Wall has served as a crucial international diplomatic reception venue, becoming an essential destination for visits by foreign dignitaries during their trips to China. During the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2023, Mutianyu Great Wall welcomed esteemed guests from around the world.

On October 26, Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, USA, climbed the Mutianyu Great Wall.

On October 28, Nepal's Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Purna Bahadur Khadka, along with his family, visited the Mutianyu Great Wall.

On October 28, Mongolian Defense Minister Gursed Saikhanbayar, ascended the Mutianyu Great Wall.

On October 28, the Independent State of Papua New Guinea's Defense Minister Solan Mirisim and his wife paid a visit.

On October 29, Tanzania's Chief of Defense Forces, Major General Venance Mabeyo, toured the Mutianyu Great Wall.

On October 29, Commander-in-Chief of the Nicaraguan Army Julio Cesar Aviles paid a visit.

On October 30, Emmanuel Bonne, the French President's Diplomatic Advisor, visited the Mutianyu Great Wall.

On October 31, the wife of Cambodia's Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister toured the Mutianyu Great Wall.

On October 31, Viktor Khrenin, the Defense Minister of the Republic of Belarus, paid a visit to the Mutianyu Great Wall.

Mutianyu Great Wall welcomes every friend to China and the Great Wall! We also look forward to hosting visitors from all around the world with an even more revitalized spirit.